Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Budget Director Suffers from Irony Deficiency Anemia

Rick Snyder's new budget director suffers from a curable disease -- irony deficiency anemia.

John Nixon had the nerve to say on Off the Record recently not just for the quarter of a million dollar salary he is taking from the taxpayers, but because the state has great schools. And then he promptly turned around and defended cutting $600 million from school aid, claiming it's only a 5 percent cut and it won't make any difference in school quality. Never mind the fact that the schools had to take a cut last year and that the school aid fund has millions of dollars in surplus.

How does he think Michigan schools got to be so good -- by taking 5 percent cuts every year?

The irony of his remarks apparently went right over his head. That's why I believe he has a disease -- irony deficiency anemia. He should take some of his big salary and go out and buy a bottle of Geritol, the old cure for iron deficiency anemia. I'm sure it will work for Nixon's condition.

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