Monday, March 10, 2008

Salute Livingston's JoAnn Murphy!

Today (March 10, 2008) is a special day in Livingston County.

Our very own JoAnn Murphy turns 75 today.

JoAnn, a UAW retiree, has been active in the party for years. If you've ever been to a Democratic event in Livingston County -- a political meeting, a potluck, a parade, you name it -- you can bet JoAnn had a hand in putting it on.

She's a tireless worker for the rights and dignity of working people, which she well knows is only represented by the Democratic Party. She is generous with her time, ideas, and resources.

So if you know JoAnn, call and tell her Happy Birthday today! If you don't know JoAnn, it's your loss.

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