Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Public Confidence in Elections at Stake with Political Sign

Perception is everything these days because in the modern world we have to take most things on faith. We can't verify them for ourselves.

We can't verify as individuals that the food we buy in grocery stores is safe, that our doctor is qualified, or that our elections are fairly conducted. We have to take it on faith.

And in a democracy like ours, when faith in the fairness of our elections is lost, it's hard to get back.

That's why a complaint has been filed with the Secretary of State against a political sign on public property in Genoa Township, a violation of Section 57 of the Michigan Campaign Finance Act. The sign supports incumbent Republican Mike Rogers against Democrat Bob Alexander in the race for the 8th Congressional District seat. But the issue is much broader than this year's congressional race. It goes to the heart of our democracy.

The Livingston Press and Argus has coverage here.

Livingston Community News has coverage here.

Detroit News has coverage here.

And WHMI has coverage here.


Anonymous said...

Dear God, Judy, you can't possibly be this dumb! Are you getting paid by the Republicans?

This is a laughably bad decision on so many levels:

1. Every time you make an issue out of this, the newspaper prints a front-page picture of the Rogers for Congress sign. I thought the whole idea is that you didn't want anyone to see that sign, and then you go out of your way to make sure that EVERYBODY sees that sign. You even hold a press conference in front of it! Oh, my God!

2. If you look at the comments on the story in the Argus (where the commenters are usually 70-80 percent democrats), they're tearing you up. Aside from the 2-3 democrat regulars, they all say you're coming across like a whiner.

3. With all the problems facing the country, you're wasting the democrats' time and money on a stupid sign? You're really showing where the democrats' priorities are, and they aren't on getting Michigan's economy out of the crapper.

4. Alexander looks terrible in all this, especially with you doing all the talking for him. One of the comments in the paper called you his mommy.

5. When you put this episode on top of the other problems you've had since becoming the party chair (your state rep candidate breaking the law by not filing his paperwork), you're really making the democrats look good.

To paraphase the president: You're doing a heck of a job, Daubie!

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued by Judy's comment on "public confidence" in the outcome of the elections.

Do you, then, disagree with many Democrats who yelled foul when Republicans passed laws that required positive ID to reduce the possibility of voter fraud?

I fail to see how a sign, that most people don't even know is on township land, is a bigger threat than voter fraud?

The Democrats' big argument against picture ID was that there was no proof that there has been any fraud. A dubious argument, but let's accept it. Can you show me, then, evidence of any proof that any voter has been swayed by this sign on township property?

The law's the law. And if the state says the sign should come down, it should come down. By the time that happens, though, you'll have added 5 points to Rogers' already considerable lead...and the amazing thing is, you'll claim victory.

Friends keep asking me how, after screwing up so badly, Republicans can keep winning elections. The explanation, I say, is that voters usually have no alternative other than a Democrat. These antics show why that choice isn't considered a good one by many.

Anonymous said...

The answer is: Yes, she can be that dumb. Democrats are so dumb that they could lose a presidential election to George Bush...twice!

Here's the killer. After bashing Palin over her admittedly stupid and contradictory positions on the Bridge to Nowhere, it turns out the Biden and Obama both voted for the the expense of diverting the money to repair Louisiana bridges damaged by Katrina. Do any of these guys have the beginning of a clue?

Anonymous said...

Why do you Republicans believe that if you get nasty and demeaning you have any credibility at all?
Judy is far from dumb, it is a complaint, nothing more and you all are coming unglued!

Anonymous said...

If the best republicans can come up with is name-calling and hyperbole, I don't think we have much to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...fine..take solace in the fact that those Republicans are nothing but name-callers.

But you fail to explain how Dems can keep losing to a guy as unqualified as Bush. And you fail to explain how, after 8 years of Republican-led disaster, McCain is still a viable candidate.

What is the problem with Democratic candidates? Your failure to honestly examine that question will continue to doom your party's chances.

Anonymous said...

if the best dems can do is worry about campaign signs i don't think the other side has much to worry about.

Anonymous said...

You were right to bring this issue up. Thank you. All of the Genoa Township Officials made a deal with the Devil in accepting this site. The Township could have bought the land. They are all Republicans and this sign situation served them all well. You can be sure they were laughing and enjoying this deal.
If the Genoa Township Officials really want to save taxpayers money then they would encourage Recycling. A few years ago instead of raising the cost of recycling the Genoa Township Board decided to eliminate recycling unless the property owner paid Waste Management a separate fee of $36.00 per year. This is NOT leadership. It was foolish and all to be able to say they haven't raised taxes. They could have separated the trash bills from Genoa Taxes and left Recycling in. As a result there are hardly any recyclers in most neighborhoods. Genoa Township leadership is made up of two self serving Realtors and retired yes people trustees and one supposed environmentally minded trustee.