Friday, November 7, 2008

Sign of the Times

Less than 12 hours after Barack Obama squashed John McCain in the electoral college, I was on my way to campus in Ann Arbor along the back roads of Livingston County.

Winding along Winans Lake Road, I passed the big, white Obama-Biden sign that came from the Livingston County Democratic Party office, and headed up the hill to where the speed limit rises to 45 miles per hour.

And there it was. The McCain-Palin sign. Stuffed in a garbage can, waiting to be picked up along with the chicken bones and carry-out pizza boxes, as if its owner couldn't wait to be rid of it.

It made me smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well...there's an attitude that will help us unite as a country. I surely hope President Obama is a bigger person than you sounded in that comment.

Actually, I'm quite sure he is. But I'm not so sure about Pelosi and her cohorts. The damage done to this country by the Republicans was great; but for most of us Americans, we won't be all that relieved if we've only traded in for damage done by the other side.