Wednesday, May 27, 2009

John Colone Stands Tall for Vets

When a businessman comes out for a tax increase, people should take notice.

John Colone wants Livingston County officials to levy one/20th of a mill to help our county veterans. The day after Memorial Day, when county communities put on six parades to honor our veterans, the Republicans who run the county want to "study" whether we really need to help out our veterans.

Our veterans didn't "study" whether they should respond when the country needed them. But when they need help, the local Republican response is, we'll think about it.

The tax increase Colone is seeking on behalf of the veterans amounts to 2 cents a day on a house with a $150,0000 taxable value. And Colone proposed that some of the $400,000 raised be used to offset other county funds going to veterans, easing the burden on the county budget.

Two cents a day.

We're about to find out if Republicans think our veterans are worth 2 cents a day.


Labrador Blue Dog said...

Please Judy, don't make this a "DEM VS. REP" thing. Give them some slack- they need time to understand the issue- that's ok. We have to get our issue out in public better anyway.

This is far too important an issue for partisanship- we need help from both sides in this.

The fact is this issue is appearing on the Livingblue blog, because at least two Dem party leadership members are on the American Legion Post 141 e-mail list, and get the e-mails. There are no local republican party leadership members on the Legion e-mail list. We would welcome them, or anyone, to sign up at
American Legion Post 141 Howell website.
Maybe they can post a discussion on republican blogs as well, we welcome the opportunity to lay out the case for why this is necessary now, and why we think PA214 is the best way to do it.

The American Legion is strictly non-partisan. We welcome all veterans as Legion members regardless of political party membership, and we welcome anyone who may be interest in local veteran's issues to sign up for the newsletter, as it is free.

Anyway- thank you for putting this into the blogoshpere, so that we can all work together to help our veteans.


A Veteran.

Communications guru said...

How can it not be a “DEM VS. REP thing” when the entire Board of Commissioners are Republicans? I got the email because, I assume, I am a veteran. With the number of Republicans in the county, are you saying there are no local republican party leadership members who are veterans? I know at least two Commissioners who are veterans.