Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cheap Tricks by Nolan Finley


Dear Granholm Friends:

A post in response to the March 27 blog:

Dear Mr. Finley:

The only cheap trick being played on Michigan's citizens are the semantics being used to subvert the truth.

The nasty game of 'win-lose' continues, and our children are starved for knowledge and all the rest starved for hope.

I agree that education is a work in process and continual improvement is necessary, but harping endlessly about 'teacher's' health care costs is part of the problem, not part of a solution.

It used to be "Its the economy, stupid." but now "Its the cost of health care, stupid!"

Teachers don't 'own' the cost; 'health care' does.

Health care is destroying our economy, not teachers or auto workers or civil servants, or other convenient targets of narrow minded media. Get it, health care, something the health care industry must be compelled to address.

Yet you can only see fit to mount personal attacks on the chief executive of the state, the one person that has been doing something about the costs she can affect. While those that designed (not created - purposefully designed) whine about cuts to support their bad decisions made in '94, '99 and '05.

Chuck Fellows

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