Monday, April 28, 2008

Don't Miss 'Activist' Piece in Press and Argus

The Livingston Press and Argus had a great piece over the weekend from Sue Kelly with the Sierra Club here in Michigan.

Kelly defends the role of activists in a free society, writing:

"The reality is that the activists are as fundamental to this democratic machine as the soldiers, the corporations, and the powerful leaders are. An incalculable debt is owed to those who wear the uniform of our country, protecting our way of life with great honor and sacrifice. We all need to be aware of how delicate democracy is, how willingly some will forgo justice and the health of our families to increase their bottom line. Sadly, those in power will always characterize the people who challenge the powerful and their profits as radical, uninformed and unpatriotic."

Something to think about this summer as you decide whether to play golf or knock on doors for a Democratic candidate.

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