Sunday, October 19, 2008

Press and Argus Coverage -- Mixed Bag

Sen. Barack Obama out-raising Republican John McCain in Livingston County? The Livingston Press and Argus says it's true, in a piece for Sunday (Oct. 19, 2008).

The article goes on to suggest that the money race may mean many Republicans are "jumping ship" and supporting a Democrat for president.

Could that explain the billboards that Livingston County Republicans have erected around the county bragging about the county's bond rating and tax rates? Local Republicans having to spend money to defend their turf is a new development in Livingston County.

The Press and Argus is doing what it can to help shore up the GOP base, however. What it giveth with one hand, it taketh away with the other. For while it mentioned Obama's lead in fund-raising here, the Sunday paper also featured a big spread on the local Republicans' unity dinner featuring Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

Funny, but I don't remember seeing such a story when the Livingston County Democrats had a similar dinner two weeks ago featuring Sen. Carl Levin, Lt. Gov. John Cherry, and former Michigan Congressman Dave Bonioer, as well as many local candidates.

Local Republicans get together=Big News! Local Democrats get together. Not so much.


Anonymous said...

I am so upset with the local press, not only did they (Press/Argus) along with WHMI both cover the "toe sucker" Dick Morris but now the Press/Argus gives a big article to the local Republican's Unity Dinner! They did not even show up for the Democrat's dinner 2 weeks ago.
They need to think long and hard about basic fairness.

Anonymous said...

The "liberal media" strikes again.

Anonymous said...

Sob.Sob.Sob. The Democrats are crying because they are picked on. Boo hoo hoo.

What a bunch of whiners! For gosh sakes, you got the lead front page story and you are still bitchin'.

And how clever to call Morris a toe-sucker. Pretty funny considering where Clinton stuck his cigar..before putting it in his mouth.

Had any of you gone to the Morris talk, you would have found him to be entertaining and informative...but that breaks with your story line so you just throw stones.

Maybe the paper didn't cover Levin, but I've seen him covered on the front page of the local paper they made a news judgement you don't agree with...and once again you are the victims...sobbing, whining and losing any reason to be considered as serious people. (By the way, which media outlet did cover your dinner? A radio station? The Detroit News or Free Press? The Ann Arbor News? Anyone? Maybe it just wasn't considered a news story. I doubt the Unity Dinner got much readership either, but I don't consider them biased because they chose to cover it. I suspect they have finite resources and choose each day how to deploy them. Unlike Dems who say, if someone wants it, then go ahead and provide's only someone else's money we are talking about.)

Look, they gave you frqeuent front-page coverage on that Rogers sign (which made you look stupid, but you apparently wanted and got the coverage). They've talked about Obama leading the fund-raising. They've written about Bill Rogers not attending that debate with Donna Anderson. They gave good coverage to Alexander's complaint about the firm that hosted Mike Rogers golf outing.

But still it's not enough. They didn't show for the Democrats dinner 2 weeks ago so now they have to look at "basic fairness." of your big Democratic bloggers strongly criticized the paper because its debate includes third party candidates. Where is the "basis fairness" in that position? Apparently it's only fair when the Democrats get special treatment. Others don't matter. Given that the Libertarians have won as many countywide elections as the Democrats, I'd say they have as much right to a debate spot.

Democrats are so hypocritical. Their definition of fairness is all the coverage they want and no one else gets their view across. Given that the paper is serving a largely Republican readership, I think it gives the Dems a fair shake. But that's not enough for you. They didn't come to your precious dinner, so they lack in fairness. Amazing.

I think they should cover the Dems more. They should explain that the Democratic leadership is so inept that it can't even figure out how to get proper signatures on nominating petition for Green Oak Township. Is that the type of brains that reflects your party?

Or how about this? Your party loves to toss around the racism card. Odd that the biggest party event of the year...Detroit's Jeff-Jack dinner -- honors two of the nation's biggest racists in history. One not only owned slaves but forced at least one to have sex with him and father a child with him. The other stole land from the Cherokees and forced them on a deadly relocation march to Oklahoma. And every year the Dems honor their memory. How racist is that? Why not change the name to honor Martin Luther King instead? Why, they couldn't do that because it would upset the base. So you honor slaveholders rather than the nation's leading civil rights leader. Amazing.

bluzie said...

What blogger wanted to leave out 3rd party candidates? I would like to know. I think everyone should be able to particpate in forums and debates.

Anonymous said...

It was Communications Guru who wanted to leave out the third party candidate. And he got snotty when he was called on it.

Anonymous said...

This guy is really threatened by the idea of Democrats expressing an opinion.

Anonymous said...'s the other way around. Democrats, at least the ones on this site, are threatened. The local paper gives top of the page lead story status to a story that is good news for Democrats...and it's not enough. They didn't do a story...sniffle, sniffle...about a dinner 2 weeks ago. That paper is so unfair...sob, sob.

But since you aren't threatened by opinions. What do you think about the fact that the Dems' 2 biggest heroes are a slaveowner and a man who practiced genocide against Indians? Why not defend them...WWCLD? What Would Carl Levin Do?

bluzie said...

I am always stunned when I read these rabid posts from Republicans. I know they all are not so crass and hateful, but we sure attract the nasty ones.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I plan to vote for Obama.

But bluzie would rather get into name calling rhan answer the question.

What do you think about the fact that Dems biggest heroes practiced racism and genocide?

Dems threw a fit when a private college invited Ann Coulter to speak. They called her a racist. How many slaves has she owned? How many slaves has she raped? How many Indians did she kill? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

Here's something to chew on...

The big Republican dinner is named after Lincoln, the president who freed the slaves.

The big Democratic dinner is named after Jefferson, the president who enslaved them.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the poster. When folks oppose making Martin Luther King's birthday a holiday, they are called racists.

But the Democrats honor a slaveholder. If the Republicans did that, you'd go bananas.

It's why you have such a hard time winning elections you should dominate. Bush should have lost...twice. The Dems should have this one in the bag. But people just don't trust Democrats...for reasons like this. They talk a sweet game, but actions speak otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln only freed the slaves in states that were still fighting the union -- not in states that were in the union.

George Washington was a slave holder. Don't Republicans honor Washington?