Monday, February 16, 2009

With Rogers, 8th District Had Zip Influence on Stimulus

Livingston County roads are in dire shape. The county can't hide that any more by pretending everything is hunky-dory under one-party Republican rule. We know that Livingston County ranks 16th among Michigan's 83 counties in terms of percentage of roads in poor shape, according to an analysis by Drive Michigan. And we know we are falling farther and farther behind each year in terms of maintenance.

The stimulus package that President Obama will sign into law includes funds for infrstructure improvements, but not as much as some people had hoped.

Knowing the needs of his home county, wouldn't it have been nice if the representative of Michigan's 8th congressional district had been in there pitching for more infrastructure funding?

Imagine what might have happened had Mike Rogers stepped forward and said, "Mr. President, I'll vote for this package if you will add more spending for infrastructure because that's what my constituents need and because it will put people to work."

But by lining up in unanimous opposition, Republicans (including Mike Rogers) made sure they would have zero input on what went into that bill.

Way to look out for the needs of the people back home, Mike.


bluzie said...

Mike is not a big thinker.
I heard him on one of his latest conference calls with Livingston County business leaders and he didn't seem to have a clue.

Anonymous said...

I do want Republicans to have any say what so ever in how the Michigan stimulus money is spent.
They should keep their big mouths shut on this subject.

Anonymous said...

So...let's see if I have this straight. Mike didn't support the stimulus bill, so that robbed us of getting our full share of the stimulus benefits. But, wait...the 8th district will get more stimulus-created jobs than any other district in Michigan.

How can that be? You will find a way to spin everything, even when you are obviously contradicting yourself.

Anonymous said... you want Mike to be a big thinker like Tom Daschle? Have you read anything about how sleazy Daschle is?

Your type wants to make his tax troubles appear to be a misunderstanding about cars that were provided him. That was just a small part of it. He got tons of money shuffled to him for "speaking" engagements from people he would govern. He also was a lobbyist although he failed to register as one.

And read just a little about his second (trophy) wife who brings in millions of dollars of business for her lobbyist firm...the money comes from businesses (such as airlines) who benefitted from Daschle legislation. Clearly pay offs, but that's not the worst of it. Some of them, such as American Airlines, had horrible safety records, including many fatal crashes, but were able to escape tougher regulation because of Sen. and Mrs. Daschle. Airline passengers likely died because of these payoffs.

All of this was known when Obama appointed him, but it didn't seem to bother him and for some reason it doesn't seem to bother you. You are so blinded by partisanship that you can't be bothered by facts.

bluzie said...

I don't believe for one minute that Tom Daschele is sleazy.
I don't listen to Rush or believe all the lies the Republicans spew about Democrats.
You are a very negative person who seems to not have any use for Democrats. Sorry your party lost and I hope continues to keep losing elections.
What a mess your kind has made of our country.
I agree that Mike Rogers should have no say and I don't believe he does anyway on how stimulus money is spent. If the 8th district is getting extra money, it isn't because of Mike Rogers!

Anonymous said...

I wrote the piece about Daschle and I voted for Obama. I didn't get my information from Rush Limbaugh. I got it from a number of reputable, main stream newspaper and news magazine reports. Rather than debate the facts, you throw across insults.

Facts: Daschle divorced his wife to marry a younger and prettier trophy wife. (It's a sin when Republicans do that; it's a mark of honor when Democrats do it.)

Daschle got paid six-figure "speaking" fees from insurance and health care interests who were trying to buy influence from him. Either that, or he's a hell of a fine speaker.

Daschle acted as a lobbyist but danced around the law by not registering as a lobbyist.

Daschle's second wife landed six-figure (and more) accounts for lobbying firms and...surprise, surprise... her husband pushed through legislation that aided her clients. A total payoff. That includes favorable treatment for American Airlines which had by far the worst safety record of all airlines in the United State. Thanks to the Daschles, they were able to escape more stringent safety standards.

You say I don't have use for Democrats. Not true. I don't have use for liars, crooks and cheaters. You don't either...if they are Republican. But you adore them if they are Democrats.

That doesn't make me negative. It makes me objective.

Look it up about Daschle. Google is very helpful. Show me where I'm wrong.

Or, wait, just call me a name and go on your way...happily uncaring about your ignorance.

bluzie said...

Wait, I do not pick my candidates by their wives or exwives. I don't find trophy wives a badge of honor either.
I do know that Tom Daschele has served his country well.

Anonymous said...

Served his country well? How? By selling his office?

Empty words, bluzie. You ignore the fact, so that makes them irrelevant, eh? would not choose a candidate by his wife or ex-wife. Does that mean you would find it unseemly to critize Mike Rogers because of his divorce? Or to make unsubstantiated claims about the reasons behind the divorce? Just wondering...or is it only Democrats who can't be criticized for their marital problems.